Why Are Some Noises So Irritative To Ears
We listen to thousands of sounds on daily basis. From the sound of people walking to the sweet music, we listen to about millions of sounds. Besides these sounds that we are used to, there are certain sounds that do cause irritation to our ears.
Ever felt irritative while hearing to someone chewing or slurping? Or that sudden horn from a car? Pen tapping on table? Creeky sound while baby crying? And what about nails scraping along the chalk board? Even simply thinking about these may give you goosebumps.
The Psychological Fact
This different feel is caused because of “Sensitivity” towards some sounds. The sounds can be related to a person chewing and even the sound of breathing. These sounds are considered to make people angry or even panic. Many even feel discomfort to such an extend that they feel like running away from the noise.
This condition of getting intense feel of dislike to particular noise or sound is termed as MISOPHONIA.
Misophonia is actually referred to as “hatred of sound”. According to a study proposed in 2000, it is considered as a condition in which negative emotions, thoughts or reaction are triggered by particular sounds. It is also called “SELECTIVE SOUND SENSITIVITY SYNDROME“. It is not considered as a sign of disease or a psychological disorder that need special care or diagnosis. However scientist are still on its research.
Signs And Symptoms
According to a survey done the sounds that irritated people were 80% related to mouth such as chewing, eating or slurping and 60% were repetitive sounds such as tapping something. Misophonic reactions is also considered to happen even in the absence of sounds. Also when people notice such noise sources, the sound appears to be higher than natural, ending up into unnecessary mood swift.
Reactions to such sounds can include aggression towards the origin of the source, feeling uneasy, awkward and frustrated. Many get depressed and many end up into argument.
Many experience misophonia but consider it as a normal psychological reactions. Reactions may vary from mild to severe depending upon a person’s state of mind at that moment. People who have severe reactions to such sounds usually avoid being with people.
Misophonia does not have any cure, however it is nothing to be worried about. Many cope up with it by ignoring such sounds and others avoid being in situation such sounds may occur. But research and studies goes on….