Home Remedies For Fast Pain Relief
There are many powerful , effective natural remedies for inflammation and pain that can help the holistically minded avoid medication and actually work to heal the pain.
Clove acts as a natural analgesic thanks to a substance called eugenol. It helps quickly and effectively deal with headaches and toothaches. If you suffer from a toothache, just put 2 cloves in your mouth and crew them for 15 minutes.
Garlic is known for its antimicrobial properties and contains allicin. It can easily relieve cold symptoms and provide an analgesic effect. Blend 1 head of garlic, juice of 1 lemon and 2 tbsp of honey. Steep for 2 hours. Take 1 tbsp a day to get rid of migraines.
Curcumin in turmeric has almost magical healing properties. It is an antiseptic, antibiotic and antioxidant at the same time. Turmeric can alleviate any type of pain. If you have a back pain, Add 1 tsp turmeric in a glass of hot water. Drink this remedy before bedtime for 2 weeks.
Ginger root has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps relieve a sore throat, menstrual and muscular pain. It also relieves spasms caused by bloating and other disorders of the digestive tract. Pour 1 tbsp of fresh ginger and 3 slices of lemon with 300 ml of hot water. Steep for 10 minutes. Then drink as a tea.
Hot Pepper
Hot pepper contains capsaicin that provides an analgesic effect. It reduces the intensity of pain signals to the brain. To get rid of any type of pain, just grind 1 pepper and add it to your meal.
Pineapple contains bromelain, a substance that has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edema properties. Eating pineapple is a good idea if you suffer from pain caused by excessive physical activity.
Chamomile is an excellent antiseptic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent. It helps deal with headaches, toothaches and abdominal pain.
Rosehip is rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants and pectins. Rose hips have a powerful analgesic effect. They effectively fight pain caused by arthritis and other joint inflammations. Pour 30g of dried rosehips with 300 ml of water. Bring to a boil, then cool. Drink one hour before meals for 1 week.