Benefits Of Curry Leaves For Health
The curry tree is a small tree that grows about 4-6 m tall. The tree leaves, flowers and berries of this tree are of great medicinal value. Curry leaves are most commonly seen in India and Srilanka. The leaves of this trees are used in many dishes in India, Srilanka and neighboring countries. Curry leaves are also known as sweet neem leaves. Curry leaves are mostly grown in tropical and sub tropical areas.
Different Names Of Curry Leaves
The name is derived from karuveppillai, karee pade, karee beevu, karapincha, kari veppu, the Tamil/ Hindi/ Kannada/ Sinhala/ Malayalam word for curry leaves.
The scientific name of curry leaf is “Murraya Koenigii” Curry leaves are also used as an herb and it is commonly used in Ayurveda medicine.
The main nutrients containing in curry leaves are carbohydrates, fiber, energy, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, copper and minerals. It also contains rich amount of vitamins like nicotinic acid and Vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and vitamin E, plant sterols, anti oxidants, amino acids and flavonoids.
Benefits Of Curry Leaf
1.Lower Cholesterol
The rich amount of anti oxidants containing in curry leaves help to prevent the oxidation of cholesterol that forms LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). It also helps increasing the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) and protect your body from conditions like heart diseases and atherosclerosis.
2.Treats Diarrhea
The carbazole alkaloids containing in curry leaves plays an important role in treating diarrhea.
3.Improve Eye Sight
Daily usage of curry leaves in food helps in improving eye sight. They can also prevent eye cataract.
4.For Healthy Hair
Add some curry leaves in the coconut oil and then boil the oil and apply this oil on the hair scalp. This improves the hair health.
5.Fight Against Anaemia
Curry leaves has a rich source of iron and folic acid. It helps to prevent anaemia.
6.Strengthen Bones
The calcium content in curry leaves helps in strengthening the bones.