Know About Appendicitis – Symptoms
Despite the belief that the appendix has no crucial function, it bolsters and strengthens our immune system. Appendix produces special antibodies that fight invasive bacteria and viruses. It also helps intestines recover quicker from infections.
Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. The appendix becomes swollen and inflamed because of bacteria and infection. It needs immediate surgical removal before it ruptures and releases harmful substances into the body.
Symptoms of Appendicitis
- Rapidly worsening pain
The pain can become intense within just a few hours. Patients often say it is unlike any pain they have felt before. The pain can be intense enough to wake you up if you are asleep.
- Abdominal pain
It starts with dull and cramping pain in the abdomen. Then pain transfers into the lower abdomen and becomes sharp and localized as appendix starts to swell.
- Low grade fever
Appendicitis is accompanied by a fever between 99°F (37.2°C) and 100.5°F (38°C). The ruptured appendix can cause an increased heart rate and a fever above 101°F (38.3°)
- Nausea and Vomiting
Loss of appetite, constipation, and diarrhea. You probably won’t have exorcist-style projectile vomiting. But some rumbling in your tummy could be a sign of appendicitis. If nausea or vomiting worsens and your abdomen hurts, go see a doctor. If there is a lot of mucus in your diarrhea or it lasts for more than a couple of days. It is more likely to be your appendix.
- Painful urination
You may feel pain or burning sensation, or even have a difficulty to urinate at all. That happens because of the infection or inflammation.
What to do if you think you have appendicitis ?
- Go to the hospital right away. Appendicitis cannot be treated by home remedies or self-medication.
What not to do ?
- Avoid painkillers if you can : It disguises the symptoms and makes it more difficult for your doctor to determine the accurate diagnosis.
- Do not use enemas or take any laxatives: They may cause the ruptured appendix and other complications.
- Do not take over the counter drugs that treat and mask symptoms of appendicitis.