The movie begins when a successful banker called Andy Dufresne is arrested and sentenced for two consecutive life sentence in a prison called Shawshank state prison for the murder of his wife and her lover.Andy got friendship with Ellis Redding. Andy was appointed to prison laundry and in there he was bullied by a gang called”the sisters”.
While this happens Andy get to know Byron hadley who had large scale of illicit money with him but he wants to protect it and Andy comes to help him as he was a banker.Afterwards when “the sisters” tried to bully him Byron would beat the gang’s leader and sents him to another prison.Then warden Samuel Norton sents Andy to library.He become assistant to a elderly inmate called Brooks.Brooks was later paroled and find his life outside prison he commits suicide.
Later one Tommy williams was imprisoned for burglary and he later told andy that the person who had done the crime is in another prison,andy was convinced of the story and tells it to warden Norton but Norton did not listened and Andy was given a solitary imprisonment. this is done because norton had kept his illicit money for Andy.
Later Andy would dream of building a house in mexico but redding find it unrealistic and one day Andy’s prison is empty and when norton looks into Andy’s prison he got furious and throws a stone to a poster and when poster got teared down he finds the tunnel in which andy escapes .
Later Andy with a pseudoname Randall Stephenswithdraw the money of Norton and Byron and sets the detail to a newspaper. this would become a issue and byron would be captured by police and norton would commit suicide.
Later rdding would get parol and he finds difficult with living in outside world but he remembers andy and would travel to Mexico to see Andythis is where the story ends.
Eventhough the movie is not commercially successful it brought many critical recognition.this is one of the best hollywood movies seen around so it is a must see.