Harmful Facts You Should Know About Daily Used Food Products
Ice cream can cause bad breath. Ice cream contains proteins, fats and lactose. Lactose is the favorite food for millions of bacteria that live in your mouth. When they digest these nutrients, bacteria release stinky sulfur containing and acidic compounds. Most products contain a lot of hidden sugar. Sugar is very addictive, so manufacturers try to add extra sugar to most products to make you buy more. Sugar can lead to different health problems from heart disease to diabetes. So pay attention to the ingredients and nutritional value before eating the food items.
Gummy bears sweets can cause digestive problems. The main ingredient in the sugar free of gummy bears is lycasin. It is a hydrogenated syrup. It may cause bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea.
Most bottled teas do not contain antioxidants. When the tea is brewed in mass qualities, a significant amount of the antioxidants in the green tea leaf gets filtered out. Bottled tea can also contain a lot of excess sugar and preservatives that may contribute to weight gain.
Multigrain and whole grain is not the same. Multigrain means that a manufacturer used different types of grains. Whole grain means they used all parts of the grain kernel. The second option is healthier since it means the bread contains healthy plant compounds and fiber.
Natural does not mean organic. The term “organic” is highly regulated. So manufacturers use the word “natural” instead to confuse customers. But their products may be full of artificial ingredients. That can cause allergic reactions or digestive problems.
You may eat fake fiber. Beware when you see ingredients such as polydextrose, maltodextrin, insulin. They can cause gas and bloating.
If the meat looks fresh, it does not always means it is. Sometimes this is an indicator of carbon monoxide in it. Old meat may cause serious digestive problems. So always check it before buying.
- Red meat should be bright red.
- The meat should spring back when you press it firmly.
- Meat should not smell like bleach, ammonia or anything foul.
Cornflakes are not good for people with diabetes. The mark “Diabetes-friendly” on the boxes with cornflakes has nothing to with the reality. Cornflakes raises blood glucose faster and to a greater extent than table sugar. They contain complex carbohydrates, that are broken down by the digestive system into sugar.