Should Eggs Be Stored In The Fridge?
Some people store eggs in the fridge and others don’t. While others persist room temperature is best. Eggs will be safe in fridge for longer days. The coolness does make them last.
Most of the people keep eggs in fridge. What happens when we eat these as boiled or cooked? Most of the people are not aware about the harmful effects of this. It is scientifically proven that the eggs kept in fridge causes dangerous health issues.
Current studies shows that keeping eggs in fridge causes its protein to loose and this adversely affects the health. When we take out the eggs from the fridge, then it will come to the room temperature and will start sweating, this will help the bacteria to enter into the egg. The egg contains salmoneia bacteria which causes typhoid in human body, these bacteria can be alive at both high and low temperatures.
The bacteria becomes inactive when we keep it in fridge and when it comes back to room temperature, it will become active again. The bacteria will die only when they are heated.
Never eat cold foods, only have them at normal room temperature.