A Smart T-Shirt That Can Track Your Fitness
Our technology is growing in such a rapid speed, that the world is still busy in putting efforts to make a digital world. We all are heading towards a smart world of digitization. This digital world has bought into existence many smart phones, smart watches and smart gadgets. Even smart cities have come into form. And what if you come to know about SMART T-SHIRTS also? Strange but true!
Many fitness tracking devices have been heard about, such as calorie counter, watches, etc. Today’s world is so bothered about fitness and health, that India has also innovated its Fitness Tracking T-Shirts.
The unprecedented clothing line SYGNAL FITNESS T-SHIRT by Broadcast Wearable Limited, claims to be the first fitness T-shirt.
Sygnal T-shirts provide you numerous and splendid features as:
- Tracks your footsteps
- Tracks the number of floors climbed
- Tracks calories burnt
- Track the distance walked or run
- Provides navigation
- Waterproof
Sygnal T-shirts are almost similar like a fitness tracking device. There is a soft button on the sleeve which can be used to power ON or OFF the T-shirt. The T-shirt consist of a micro USB port to charge the battery. Once fully charged, the battery can work up to regular five days without charging it again.
A micro-controller box is fitted with an accelerometer and a smart Bluetooth connector.
Connect It With Your Smart Phone
A downloadable app by the company called the “SYGNAL APP”, helps to connect the T-shirt to your smart phone. The information gathered by your T-shirt can be viewed on the screen of your phone. The app also help to navigate to a desired location. Tell the app where you want to go, the shirt will vibrate on the shoulder informing you about the direction in which you need to turn.
The best part about the T-shirt is that it is water proof. So you need not worry about harming the shirt because of your sweat or rain. The shirt can be worn practically anywhere, as and where you want to.
The actual price of the product is expected to be Rs. 4999. Where as the discounted price is Rs. 2999 if you pre book the product.