Robot SAM To Replace Human Builders
Civil engineering, construction builders and co-workers are one of the most and daily employed people. Where the world is running towards digitization and automation, Scott Peters, CEO and Co-Founder of Construction Robotics aims at advancing construction making it an ease.
Construction works include large number of workers and requires huge amount manual work whereas the risk is also known. To reduce human hard work and stress, Construction Robotics was able to invent an efficient and six times more hardworking bricklaying robot named “SAM”.
Construction Robotics
Construction Robotics is a company established 9 years before with a goal of advancing construction by using robotics, automation and same principles used in manufacturing. On an interview with Scott Peters, he stated that first robotics was founded in 2007 with the goal of bringing robotics and automation into on-site construction. The started construction robotics and decided to built a robotic brick lane systems.
To work on the concept two fundamental problems had to be resolved. First how to handle the mortar and second how to place the brick accurately with a robot like a human labor do. To make robots do what we want depends on how we program it efficiently.
SAM- Semi Automated Masonry
SAM100 system the bricklaying robot can lay 3,000 bricks a day whereas a builder’s average is 500 bricks per day. The robot is controlled wireless. It is made up of a conveyor belt, a robotic arm and a concrete pump. A builder is required to supply the robot with bricks from one side. It can help use USB to load all map files. It feeds the mortar into the hopper . It has two propane tanks that can swap feed tricks with a break tongs.
It has safety doors, so that whenever a builder has to get into the work area they only need to open the door to stop the system. It consist of some safety measures including a safety wheel that when it rides to the end of any platform, it will drop down the wheels and stop the system, also sensors, bumpers, stops, warning lights and alarm sounds. Bricks are required to be of exact dimensions as SAM has been operated with those particular dimensions.
The construction using SAM is carried in three steps. First they set up a platform, in simpler words create a foundation setup for SAM to travel, second they set up the system, by adding the measurements details into the program file and thirdly running the system. Once the measurements are complete the builder loads the system with bricks and mortar, shows the robot where the laser system is and then can work up to continuous 4 hours. The builder feed the system occasionally and keep it working.
SAM has worked in number of constructions sites and is looking forward to spread around the world. Robots can build a better world, but the only worry many have is that this can affect the jobs of many builders.