Restaurant That Serves Humanity
Here humanity means brotherly love, compassion, sympathy, generosity clearly speaking ‘Humaneness‘. Now you would be thinking what has these restaurants to do with humanity? Where the world is running behind business and money who ever thinks about humanity or a small kind of charity even? Everybody wants their country to develop. But how will a country develop where you can only find the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer?
In this cruel world, there are at least few who really care about those in need. People in need not only includes the poor, but also differently able people who are being thought as of no use and are being ignored and avoided by the society. Here are some ideals to humanity:
- Echoes, Delhi has Differently-abled staff– A restaurant that is managed by a differently abled staff in Satya Niketan Delhi. It is run by a set of hearing and speech impaired waiters. Each table there has placards that says ‘water please!’, ‘refill please!’ or ‘bill!’ and also bells. When any diner wants to call a waiter they can either press the bell or can hold the cards high to get quick service. The bells are connected to series of bulbs marked with the number of corresponding table. The waiters can identify the table once a bulb lights up. The owners aimed at motivation and took it as a challenge for a social cause.
- Robinhood Restaurant, Spain charges the rich and feeds the poor– Here the diners who come every night are homeless. Customers pay for breakfast and lunch to serve dinner for homeless people without charging anything. Their only aim is to charge the rich and feed the poor. The restaurant is run by an 80 year old priest.
- Dandelion Noodle Restaurant, South Korea Only serves the poor– The customers here are either homeless or financially weak. The owner Youngnom Suh, was a priest but left priesthood due to health problems. But his work never stopped. He operates the restaurant in this way to only help the poor and weak without charging a penny.
- Puzzle Gourmet Store & Cafe, Quezon City has differently-able staff– The restaurant was established specially for people with mental disability like autism. The cafe started for a boy named Jose Canoy who was diagnosed with autism at the age of four. They also accompanied Jose’s friends to the cafe to work with him. Ysabella, the owner wanted such differently able people to interact with normal people and improve their social ability. They are trained well to give out their best services to the customers.
- Mirchi & Mime, Mumbai supported by speech-impaired staff– the restaurant is also run by speech impaired staff who have been trained well to reach out the customers easily by communicating in sign languages. Not only the food but also experience of eating here is different. Customers are made to order in sign languages. And despite of such inability the services are up to mark.
- The Pending Coffee– this story has been one of the most inspiring stories of humanity. A type of charity where people order coffees for them as well as for poor in the name of ‘pending coffee‘. Customers pay in advance for these pending coffees in the name of charity and anyone who is not able to pay can ask for this pending coffee, that will never be charged. This type of charity began first in Naples, Italy where peoople pay in anticipation for the coffees and even meals for others who can’t.