How To Preserve Food Without Using Fridge

How To Preserve Food Without Using Fridge

How to preserve food without using refrigerator.? It is an unbelievable thing. In this new era people moving with there technology life. Now Refrigerators are most commonly used in homes and hotels. People use fridge for preserving food.
Is your fridge make you sick.? Keeping too much food in the fridge and not placing them properly may make a sick. Not storing food properly and the cleanliness of food products leads to a high risk of food poisoning. Do you ever think about, what the old people have done for preserving food before discovering refrigerator.? Different types of natural preservation ways available in the old era. Now we are discussing about the natural preservation method:

A pot in pot refrigerator or sand fridge is one of the main natural method to preserve the food products. Do you heard about pot in pot refrigerator or sand fridge.? It is an evaporating cooling refrigerator works without electricity. It uses a porous outer earthen ware pot, lined with the wet sand contains an inner pot. The food items stored in the inner portion of the pot.

The sand fridge also known as zeer. In 2500 BC, the cooler pot is mostly used in the kingdom of Egypt.Many earthenware pots were discovered in the Indus valley civilization. Ghara, matka and surahi are the different types of earthenware cooler pots available in India.

Construction of the Sand Fridge
It give more cool as the water evaporates, allowing refrigeration in hot and dry climate. It must be arranged in the warm place, ventilated space for the water to evaporates effectively towards the outside. The evaporate coolers perform poorly with high humidity. The advantages of the sand fridge are plentiful and it look likes a beautiful flower pot.

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