Important Benefits of Drinking Beer
Are you a beer liker? If the answer is yes, then you must know about it’s benefits too.
Amazing health benefits of beer are mentioned below:
Beer reduces the risk of kidney stone
Kidney stone is a hard Crystal mineral material forming inside the urinary tract or in kidney . According to the researchers, beer intake minimizes the risk of forming kidney stones inside the urinary tract or in kidney. In fact – “Any bottle of beer utilized per day was estimated to reduce risk by 40%”.
It can reduce the risk of cancer
Xanthohumol is an important anti oxidant contained in beer. The anti oxidant have powerful anti cancer properties that helps to resist cancer causing enzymes in the human body. Drinking beer prevent certain chemical reactions that can lead to prostate cancer in is said that ,Beer can also minimize the chances of getting breast cancer in women.
It can prevent Alzheimer’s disease
Scientists at Loyola academy Chicago strich school of medicine examined several studies and came to the conclusion that moderate beer drinkers were 23% less likely to cause various forms of dementia and cognitive impairment, including Alzheimer’s. The silicon contains in beer is protect the brain from the hurtful effects of high amount of aluminum in the body, which are one of the feasible causes of Alzheimer’s.
It can strengthen bones
Beer contains high level of silicon,which is an element that is related with bone health. Investigators at Tufts in 2009 examined, people who drank one or two glasses of beer daily had higher bone density.
It can reduce the risk of stroke
Examiners at Harvard school of public examines – Drinking beer daily helps to prevent blood clots that block blood flow to the heart, neck and brain. When you drink beer fairly, your arteries become flexible and blood flow improves greatly.
It can help treat dandruff
One of the other interesting facts about beer is that – “Beer is one of the outstanding usual treatments for dandruff.
Just wash your hair with a glass of beer two or three times a week to get clear of dandruff and make your hair extra smooth and glossy.
NB:As this beer containing alcohol, the over usage may cause liver problems.