
Healthy Hair from Guava leaves

Healthy Hair from Guava leaves

                         guava   How many of them know about the guava leaves and it’s wonders.Did you ever have imagined about the benefits of guava leaves.Very few  only know about the wonderful and amazing properties and its uses.A ripen guava is equal to four apples,because Guava contain Fiber, Folic acid, Vitamin A,Vitamin C, Potassium, Copper, and Manganese.Guava belongs to the family of pomegranate.It grows abundant in Indian subcontinent.Native tribesmen believe that every single part such that from root to fruit are used as an aid  for skin rashes.Its said that the fresh tender of guava leaf is a good mouth fresher .Its potent germ killer.Those people say that”a guava leaf a day keeps the dentist away”.Guava leaves are effective remedy for diarrhea , jaundice ,psoriasis ,obesity ,diabetics ,prostrate cancer. Yet they have been used by native people form centuries.

                          Guava is wide rich in nutrients and these nutrients have positive effective in human organs. Its packed with antioxidants,antibacterial,anti-inflammatory agents.Now a days all of them facing the common problem is  hair fall.Hair fall may be of different reason, mostly it is of stress that each man facing in his or her life.Guava leaves can help to improve the hair health.Thus you can get healthy hair from Guava leaves. The richness of Vitamin B in guava leaves are good for health of hair.Studies proven that Vitamin B3,B5,B6  make the skin shining and repairing of cells and tissues are done by Vitamin B2. Experts say that if every one make the guava leaves to be regularly used as part of the life it will prevent the hair loss and strengthen the hair.So because of these reason guava is included in all cosmetic products.It control hair fall and dandruff.The users can gain the benefit by taking a handful of guava leaves and boil these leaves in 1 liter of water for 15 to 20 minutes.After boiling allow it to cool down up to room temperature.Gently apply to your scalps and from the hair root to your tip and massage rigorously.Wait until it get dry,wash with plain water without shampooing. Guava leaves are also used for graying hair ,it can be used by making the fine paste of the leaves and apply it to the scalp then leave it for 30 mins and wash it with plain water.It help to develop the hair pigment that give color to hair.Its sure that these type of natural treatment will not allow you  to touch or use any kind of chemicals.According to findings  guava leaves are good and most best for the antimicrobial infections and diseases,it doesn’t cause any side effects against human organs.

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