Health Benefits Of Drinking Oats
The oat, sometimes also known as common oat, is a group of wheat grain for it’s seed, which is known by the same name. Oats are relevant for human consumption as oat meal and rolled oats.
Oats are most commonly seen in America and European countries. Oats contain rich sources of vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants and fibers. The content of sodium is very less in oats.
Oats are best grown in temperate regions. They need low summer heat and great amount of rain than other grains, such as wheat or barley . Oats are an annual plant and it can be cultivated on the seasons of autumn or spring. The oats are scientifically known as Avena Sativa.
The grain oats are an excellent source of molybdenum and manganese. They are also a good source of phosphorous, copper, magnesium, biotin, chromium, zinc and protein.
Nutrients Values In Oats
Carbohydrates – 66 g
Energy – 389 kcal
Dietary Fiber – 10.6 g
Fat – 6.9 g
Protein-16.9 g
Thiamin – .763 mg
Niacin – .961 g
Riboflavin – .139 g
Pantothenic acid – 1.349 mg
Vit B6 – 12 mg
Folate – 56 mg
Calcium – 54 mg
Magnesium – 177 mg
Manganese – 4.9 mg
Phosphorous – 523 mg
Pottasium – 429 mg
Zinc – 4 mg
Iron – 5mg
Healthy Benefits Of Drinking Oats
1. Oats Are Rich In Anti Oxidants, Including Avenathramides:
Oats contain rich amount of powerful antioxidants, including avenathramides. The compound may help lower blood pressure and with some other benefits also.
Avenathramides – It is a batch of phenolic alkaloids found commonly in oats. It is also present in cabbage and butterfly eggs.
2. Stabilize Your Blood Sugar
The common oat contains high amounts of beta glucon, a type of soluble fiber. Beta glucon helps reduce blood sugar levels in our body.
3. Oats May Reduce The Risk Of Childhood Asthma
Many study reports shows that feeding oats before the age of six months may help prevent the risk of childhood asthma.
4. It Boosts Your Immune System
A 2004 studies identified that beta glucon containing in oats can raise the immune system by helping white blood cells find and eliminate bacteria.
5. Lower Cholesterol Levels
Many studies proved that – Beta glucon in oats can reduce the cholesterol levels. It also reduces circulating levels of cholesterol in the blood.
Food products made with milk and oats improves the protein and taste of food.