Entered A Room And Suddenly Forgot The Reason? Know Why! Our brain manages about millions of networks inside our body including number of organ functionalities, manages memory along with the unconscious mind, does all kinds of repairing, building, removing unwanted materials, manages emotions, building intelligence and what all. Even after using it to such an extent they say a human being uses not even 1/10th of their brain.
If our brain is so powerful, then why do we forget things when we enter a room even if we had thought about it? Like we think about searching anything in another room, and when we enter that room we are not able to recall what we thought earlier. And to recall we sometimes have to go back and sometimes we are not able to recall even.
When brain can manage millions of works and functions, then why does it forget such a stupid thing? Is it because we did not plan carefully or the work was least important or is our memory weak?
The Research
According to a study conducted in The University of Notre Dame in Indiana, it concluded that walking through doorways causes memory to lapse. Scientist Gabriel Radvansky, who spent about 20 years working on this matter explained this matter as “EVENT BOUNDARY”. He explained event boundary as a situation which separates episodes of activity and files them away.
In one of the experiments, Radvansky used three rooms of his lab to test participants’ level of recall as they passed from one room to another. He found that passing through a door into a new room resulted in an increased error rate.
The Event Boundary Fact
Our brain stores information in parts. While moving from one room to another, the memories created in one room is stored like in a single file and locked. When we enter a new room a new file is started and the new memories stored likewise. After entering the second room brain focuses on another room and its memories. Thus leaving you thinking harder about what you thought in the last room earlier.
This is just a simple phenomenon, nothing to be worried about. So next time you enter a new room and forget things, just recall this.