Earthship- An Eco-Friendly Home
We all are aware about spaceships, do you know that even EARTH-SHIPS exist? Half of the population in this world would not be aware of this. When you hear Earth-ships, you will think about something like spaceship. But to utter amazement, they don’t even look similar. Then what are these Earth-ships in real? Do they really exist?
Yes! They do exist. They are not like our spaceships, but are HOMES, where people stay. Now you would definitely be curious to know about the difference between a normal house and an earthship.
A Home Made With Garbage
How much we hate seeing the garbage. Can you imagine a beautiful house made of garbage? The earthship is made of those garbage that are of no use to us. This home is made of some indigenous garbage like tires, bottles, cans, etc. And that too without even processing them. These do not have any electricity, water connection or sewage tanks. They have built it in such a way that they do not require them, they produce their electricity and water naturally.
Where Did The Idea Come From
One of the leaders in the Earthship Movement, Michael Reynolds, in his company Earthship Biotecture, is working to build, design and innovate earthships. He is building earthships from 40 years. He finds earthships as a global solution. From last four decades, people are working on the earthships. They are working to make a sustainable home using recycled materials.
Michael says we can live without depending on any other sources. We live in a house where there are different infrastructures for water, electricity, gas and sewage. He adds that people are hooked up with external support.
Whereas earthship uses a sustainable construction techniques. Even construction cost is also least. People do not have to worry about any monthly electricity or water bills. It is so economical.
Special Systems In Earthships
Eathships are unique because of many creative ideas used to build them. Some are below:
- Eco-Friendly Construction: A construction out of largely recycled materials such as tires and waste bottles including sand and dirt. An innovation made Eco-friendly.
- Water Harvesting System: They have special roofs that collect the rain water and purify them naturally. After this they are divided among various purifiers according to the need.
- Solar Electricity: They have solar panels on one side of the house. The energy collected is send to battery panel where number of batteries is connected. The electricity is generated in this way.
- Sewage Treatment System: The water that is not suitable for drinking is used for flushing toilets. The drainage water is then filtered and used to water plants.
- Natural Heating And Cooling: The room is kept warm by filling tires with dirt or mud. The dirt traps the heat not allowing excess heat to enter. For summer, they have fitted tubes with thermal masses, that filter out the hot air and makes the room cool.
- Ventilation: Proper opening has been provided to allow air passage.
- Food Production: Here food is also produced naturally in the botanical gardens.