Aimee Mullins- An Inspiration For The Disabled
Aimee is known to be one of the most beautiful athlete, actress and model and a disabled women who lacks both her lower legs. Despite of her disability, her struggling life never made herself one among the handicapped. She is known to be one of the famous public speaker because of her inspirational talks and also famous for her athletic accomplishments.
How did Aimee Begin
Aimee was born with Fibular Hemimelia- missing of calf bones, due to which she had cut off her lower legs at the age of 1. But she never allowed her disability to feel down, on the more she made it her strength. She learned to walk on prosthetic and slowly became an athletic by learning to run on those artificial legs.
She made a record as a runner by running on a carbon-fiber prosthetic legs.
Aimee in her interviews told about the time she passed with her doctors from childhood. She had been for long in physical therapy to help build up her leg muscles. She stated that her inspiration were the doctors who put all their hard-work to make this little girl look forward to live normal life as others.
Aimee’s 12 Pairs of Legs
Aimee inspired people think that no disability is greater than your willpower. Aimee, like others had to face many questions and the sympathy driven looks. But she changed many people’s perception about being disabled. In her interviews she never showed any kind of disappointment or regret of being different, but always motivated people with her achievements. She says, she feels proud in being able to change her heights, because of her different legs.
Some pair of her prosthetic legs were made during movies and some during her ramp walk. Aimee puts special light on the art of PROSTHETIC AESTHETIC- emphasizing upon the beauty of the art. She states it clearly that “a prosthetic limb does not represent the need to represent loss”. Converting all her disabilities into the reason for being successful and known, she removes all those barriers about being disable. She has been an ideal to not only herself but to everybody.