Keralites are familiar with the word “Kallu(toddy)”,”Neera”,”Kallu shop”,”Chethu kallu”.Its named by various names in different regions.Officially its called” Palm Wine”. Toddy is an alcoholic drink collected from the extracts of various species of palms. Neera is the sap extracted from the inflorescence of coconut .This neera is fermented to form coconut toddy or “thengu kallu“.Mostly the neera is collected before sunrise because as the temperature become hot it began fermentation.
The trainer or tapper will cut the flower of the palm tree and place a clay pot to collect the sap.The cloudy and whitish sap collected in the pot is sweeter ,healthier and non alcoholic drink.Its rich in minerals and vitamins.In somewhere little bit of lime is added to prevent it from fermentation.It contain more nutrients, if little lime is added it could get some vitamin C also.It start fermenting naturally because of the natural yeast present in the pores of the pot and air.After that it have bitter sour in taste and become more acidic.Most of them prefer that for alcoholic effect.
Last year Kerala high court had considered the government to ban the toddy.But at the final stage the government given promise to supply the pure toddy instead of giving fake one. Then onward the Neera and toddy had given much commercial benefits to government and the farmers.There are several disadvantages that preferred the court to ban the toddy from India.That we would discuss later .The byproducts of the neera are coconut wine,coconut syrup, coconut jaggery,coconut sugar,coconut candy,Molases and coconut vinegar.
There are several benefits of Neera or Toddy.
- It keeps fresh and healthy.
- The lauric acid contained in toddy is much better than baby processed milk.
- It has low glycemic index so it doesn’t increase the sugar level of the body like other fruits, so diabetic patients can drink.
- Its a good body cooler and is better for food digestion.
- Its sweet in taste and must consume within 12 hours other wise it turns to alcoholic or contain acidic and sour taste.
- Contain Vitamin B Complex and low in calories.
- Frequent consumption will prevent disease like jaundice and make healthier.
- Detox drink that have no side effect.
- Prevent cough and sneezing.
- Used in Ayurveda medication.
Several disadvantage of toddy.
- Increase the risk of heart attack.
- Ethanol in toddy can affect the function of liver.
- Effect the lipid metabolism of the pregnant ladies.
- Several neurological symptoms will rise up.Muscle contraction and body rigidity.
- Fatty liver. Accumulating fat in liver.
- It will weak the all process of the heart such as blood pumping and weak the muscles of the heart.
- Increase blood pressure.