Kailash Satyarthi ,the fifth indian citizen to win the Nobel prize .Who is struggling for never ending crusade against child slavery. Nobel prize winner shared with the Pakistan winner malala yousafzai.He is an activist against child slavery.In 1980 he founded Bachpan Bachao Andolan and acted to protect about 83000 children from 144 countries.It is because of his work and activism that the International Labor Organisation which is a principle guideline around the world.His work is recognized by all over the world and he got the Nobel prize for his activities.
Kailash Sharma born on 11 January 1954 in Vidisha ,MadhyaPradesh.he achieved his degree in electrical engineering from Samrat Ashok Technological Institute and have the post graduate degree in high voltage engineering worked as teacher.After few years he became the secretary general of the Bonded Labor Liberation Front.He was the president of the Global campaign for the education.He also established the Good Weave International without the use of child labor in south Asia.He argued that child labor perpetuates poverty ,unemployment,illiteracy and population growth.According to his studies there are 144 million children are salve to there employees.He organize raids to find these type of children and took action against those situations.he is involved in promoting CSR initiatives in cocoa farming,garments,mica mining and sporting good sector.He is the member of UNESCO for the education and in the board of Fast Track initiative.He has addressed in several committees and Parliamentary hearings in US and other developed countries.
“He is very happy .He is down to earth .there is no tears ,shouting”,about sathyarthi.The comments from his son.He have his family with his daughter and son.He is 60 year old living in new Delhi with his family.He says that it’s a very difficult task that he has taken and he is sure that he will fight against this.slavery is the claim against the humanity.He cannot tolerate the freedom of any single child in this world. In 1980 he began raiding in factories and to save the children.He founded the Rug-Mark the certification of the government that its free from child labor.He also fond to help those girls who are forced for marriage in there teenage.He has survived numerous attacks on his life during the rescue operations.He has been honored by the former president of the US ,Bill Clinton.He has edited the magazines like Sangarsh Jari Rehega,Kranth Dharmi and Asian Workers Solidarity Link.He has set up three rehabilitation centers.International center on child labor and education is an organization for the rights of the children.this is for the education and to free from economic exploitation.This is also for the child development.this organisation also help to get the knowledge about the child issues.as an analytic he doesn,t made this issue as a welfare matter or a charitable cause.He took these issues as his problems and prepared to solve as he can .This become a great success and model for the society.He took pledge for achieving the “Education for All”.He has been the architecht of the civil society network.He is the second indian winner nobel peace prize after Mother Teresa.