
Recharge your Phone battery without electricity

Recharge your Phone battery without electricity


wind powerbank

   We all human being enjoy our beautiful nature in various way,in different type of views,with different thoughts.All of them like travelling ,exploring the scenes and pictures .In our daily life the most important thing we need is our cell phone.That must be with us every where ,that,s became a valuable thing that any body can live without cell phone.Battery recharging is the problem that is to be faced by all of them while carrying cell phone.Some time it make disappoint when it shows that  phone battery is empty while taking a click with our guys or with our nears and dears.Lets make  a look over” Portable Wind Power Bank Technology” which is ready to help us during any kind of difficulty.

                            The technology and the latest product”Self e” developed by ADHOAK ,company which focuses on wind technology.Its a wind power bag having capacity of 11000 mAh. With this bag you can charge three to four smart phones.We can tie up it safely in your own  vehicle during any drive, it is compatible with any type of climate.The power of charging must depend upon our driving speed.Its environmental friendly.We can use Self e any where at any time.Self e is comfortable to carry with us in our carrying bag or we can say this as a power bag.This device can power up all type of USB devices such tablets,smart phones,speakers,external batteries etc.Yours contribution will make them helpful to begin variant technologies in effective manner,to know more about products ,technologies and to leave wishes to the company please contact: 8891652334                                                                                                                                                                                                     9847276986

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