
10 unknown Google Tricks

10 unknown Google Tricks

We all know that Google is the most used search engine among people in the world.But most of them didn’t know about the funniest tricks about Google.Let us find these tricks of the google.The webpage developer of the Google have developed the results page according to the keyword meaning.Following are the list of the top among of the keywords.

  •   Askew or Tilt


If you enter the keyword Askew the result will be tilted .Tilt have the same effect which shows tilt                          

  •    Zerg Rush


Zergs are the character of the StarCraft which are the aliens who attack the species in the galaxy.In the google search engine if you search for Zerg Rush you will see many ‘0’ will appear and will destroy all the search results and at last all the 0’s will combine to form “G G”.We can destroy them by continuously clicking up to it disappears.If it destroy all the search result game will over and you can find the result or score of the game on google+.                                

  •      Heart Graph



When you type this equation in the google (sqrt(cos(x))*cos(200x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(9-x^2), -sqrt(9-x^2) .A heart shaped diagram will be in the google search result.

  • Do a Barrel Roll

do a barrel


If you type ,Do a Barrel Role the resultant page will rotate.


If you want your own personal version of Google with customized logo you can move on to the keyword”Goglogo“.If you enter any name on the Goglogo you can have a search engine page customized with your name.                        

  • Google Sphere


Google sphere will convert google search page into spinning orb.To access this you can search for google sphere and can view the swirling links around the screen.The sphere will spin according to pointing of the mouse pointer on the screen.

  • Guitar


When you search for the page Google tilt or Askew you can see the several buttons on the bottom of the page.Guitar is one of the button, when we click on the button the google logo will have the shape of guitar and we can play Guitar if we are bored.

  • Snake


If you are bored for getting you tube videos to buffer.just press a arrow key and you can play a game of snake.          

  • Gravity


The search engine will work with new search result in a disorganized manner.

  • Anagram


Its a game of rearranging a given word and forming a new word.If you search for a word Anagram the result word google gives is “nag a ram”. When you rearrange it you will get Anagram.

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