Natural Remedies For Gray Hair
You think that, the only way to blacken your hair is by using henna. There are many other simple ways to do it, by using lemon, onion and curry leaves. These all are the remedies for gray hair.
1. Tea and coffee are also remedies for gray hair. Take one or more tea bags, dip it in hot water. After cooling, we can use it on hair. Doing this method continuously, can change gray hair to black.
2. Dehydrated Amla and fenugreek powder mix and make it in paste form and then apply on hair to avoid hair graying.
3. Beetroot juice, carrot juice or lemon juice, take any of these or all, mix with coconut oil. This helps to give other colors to grayed hair.
4. Mix chopped pieces of Amla and Alovera with coconut oil then heat it and apply to your hair, it helps in blackening the gray hair.
5. Included leafy vegetables, beans, grapes in your daily dietary food. Eat more food that contains vitamin A and D. It protects your hair from graying.
6. Potato Peels are best in blackening hair. Boil 2 cups of water with 1 cup of potato peels, after cooking it apply on hair.
7. Mix Lemon extract with coconut oil then heat it and apply on your hair. This is the best prevention for gray hair.