Yeah., This topic is interesting. Internet available in offline PC,want to know how.? In this generation most of the people live with technology. People like to search information, downloading movies and music with the help of internet. They also like to use social media like Facebook, twitter, pinterest, linkedin etc. These all are available when there is an internet connection.(online).
In this generation of the web world, a Start Up company invented new Personal Computer(PC) which can access internet facility as offline. When users are in offline, the internet will be available in this PC. The PC is developed by the Ens let Start Up company. Their head quarter located at San Francisco.
Design and specifications
The name of the PC is Endless Mini. The design of the desktop look likes a dark round grape fruit. The benefit of this device is working the websites in without the connection of internet. They preloaded 650 Mega Byte connections in endless mini. Users can search articles in the Wikipedia and the study related topics in khan academy without connecting internet. In this device users get latest update with the help of any time connecting websites. Monitor is not avail in Endless Mini but Monitoring facility like televisions can be connecting in this device.